
Non-urgent queries
You can contact us about a NON-URGENT medical, administrative or a prescription issue using the link below.
You may find the answer you need using the useful "online advice" option for common medical/medicine queries which would help us during this very busy time.
accuRx Online Triage - Non-urgent queries
You can contact us about a NON-URGENT medical, administrative or a prescription issue using the link below.
You may find the answer you need using the useful "online advice" option for common medical/medicine queries which would help us during this very busy time.
Your query will be read within 1 full working day.
You can now book a Nurse appointment using the 24hr automated telephone booking system
Simply call: 020 3818 7679
The system will use your date of birth and current mobile number to verify you as a registered patient.
Please make sure we have your correct telephone number on your records.
How GP Appointments Work
The easiest way to get an appointment is to submit an online consultation by clicking the 'contact us online' link above.
GP Appointments are at 10 minute intervals and the GPs make every effort to run to time, however there may be occasions when the GP has to deal with clinical emergencies or complex issues and this could lead to their surgery overrunning. If the GP is running late the receptionist will let you know.
Please ensure you are available at your appointment time. If you are more than 10 minutes late for a face to face appointment you have missed your appointment and will be asked to re-book.
If you have a Telephone Appointment booked with a GP, please allow at least one hour from the time of your appointment for the GP to call you back.
If you no longer require an appointment that you have booked please cancel it as soon as possible and at least one hour before the appointment time.
Doctors' appointments are available morning and late afternoon Monday-Friday.
Please Note: You may be unable to book an appointment with your preferred doctor; however we will do our best to accommodate your preference.
Duty Doctor Service – for when you have an urgent medical problem
Available 8am - 6.30pm MONDAY – FRIDAY (excluding bank holidays)
- Phone the surgery and explain to reception that you have an urgent problem
- Reception will ask the nature of your problem and can then put you on the Duty Doctor list
- The Duty Doctor will ring you back within 2 hours
- The Duty Doctor will decide with you what you need, which could be:
- Advice over the phone
- An appointment at the surgery
- A home visit if significantly unwell and unable to come to the surgery
- A referral to another service
This service offers you quick access to your GP practice, where they know you and have your full medical record. We recommend this service instead of going to A&E at the hospital.
Extended Consultation
Longer appointments are offered to certain patients with Long Term Conditions (LTC) for example, newly diagnosed diabetic patients and those with complex Mental Health needs. To find out if you qualify for this, please speak to a member of the reception team.
If You Want to Book in Advance
We have appointments available up to 2 weeks ahead - these can be booked in person or using the on-line booking facility.
You can register for the online service via the NHS App or Patient Access, please ask reception for your personal registration letter.
Early morning & late evening appointments
You can now book a telephone or face to face appointment with a GP, Practice Nurse or HCA early morning or late evening.
AM |
PM |
Monday |
07:00 - 08:00 (GP) 07:00 - 08:00 (Pharmacist) |
Tuesday |
N/A |
Wednesday |
07:00 - 08:00 (GP) |
18:30 - 20:00 (GP) 18:30 - 20:00 (HCA) 18:30 - 20:00 (Dietitian) |
Friday |
07:00 - 08:00 (GP) |
18:30 - 20:00 (Pharmacist) |
*During enhancesd access hours, press the intercom at the front door.
Would you like a Chaperone?
A chaperone is a third person present in the GP, nurse or HCA consultation. They can be requested by either the clinician or patient. Anyone can request a chaperone and for any reason (they can be requested by either the clinician or patient). For more information please speak to reception.
If you feel you would like a chaperone to be present with you at your consultation, please inform the receptionist at the time of booking, so that arrangements can be made in advance to avoid your appointment being delayed.
If you cannot decide at the time of booking, you can still request one on the day of your appointment, but be aware this may delay your consultation.
All of our reception staff have had certified chaperone training and are competent to perform that role.
Interpreter Needed?
If you require an interpreter at your appointment, please let the receptionist know when booking and this will be arranged for you.
If you prefer to use a family member or friend to act as your interpreter you must inform the receptionist.
Please note: The use of anyone under the age of 16 for interpretation is not acceptable in any circumstance other than when immediate and necessary treatment is required.
Home Visits
Home visits are only made where the severity of your medical condition makes it impossible for you to attend surgery. Wherever possible you should make your visit request before 10:00 and the doctor will telephone you to discuss your condition, so please ensure you leave a contact number.
It may be possible for the doctor to deal with your problem over the phone, or it may be more appropriate to send a nurse or arrange a hospital attendance.
Please remember that several patients can be seen in the surgery in the time that it takes to make one home visit. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the surgery.
Cancel an Appointment
If you have an appointment that you are unable to attend please call and cancel at least one hour before the appointment time.
- Our cancellation line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Phone 020 8049 2512 and leave a message. Please state your name, date of birth, appointment time and the clinician you are booked to see.
- If you are registered for on-line booking you can cancel your appointment on-line.
- You can also reply ‘CANCEL’ to your appointment reminder text.
NHS eReferral Service
The NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) combines electronic booking with a choice of place, date and time for first hospital or clinic appointments. Patients can choose their initial hospital or clinic appointment, book it in the GP surgery at the point of referral, or later at home on the phone or online.
Using the service
If you're a patient, find out more about appointment booking on the NHS.UK website.
Whether you're using e-RS for the first time, or an existing user wanting to make the most of the service, NHS Digital provides a range of material for referrers (such as a general practice), providers (a hospital or clinic) and commissioners.
Non-NHS Services
There are certain services that are provided to patients that are not included on the National Health Service and the Practice charge for these services. These include private medical examination, private sicknotes, and letters to third parties, some vaccinations, vaccination certificates, doctor’s signature and private prescription. The fee must be paid before the service is provided. All patients are charged the same fee regardless of which Doctor or Nurse they see.
Not Registered for Online Services?
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.
You can Opt -out of this service at any time.